Friday, April 10, 2009

Nerves and Vampires

Alright, so the other day, i was like sitting in front of my computer and typing something. it was like in the late morning i think and i heard this: OK, 谁要做 Vampire? .... 谁要做 Vampire!?!....

And i was like 'Whudd the Blah' is going on? and i looked out the window and there they were.... kids playing catching.... twilight style. -_-' Really now... Is there a necessary for such things?

ANNNNDDD my 2nd driving test is coming up.... Next Friday. 17th, i think? from my last test up til now, i haven't taken any lessons yet. next week, i'm going for three more lessons before taking the test. and i swear to God, the nerves are killing me. K I L L I N ' me. i was lying in bed a few days back, and i thought about the i m p e n d i n g test and dread drew over me. HEY! i love driving man. How can one failed attempt to PLEASE and SATISFY an old foggy in a car PUT ME DOWN? man...

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