Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I'm Going Nuts!

All the drilling and shouting and banging is literally driving me nuts!!!! These past few days, there's been some electrical rewiring works and today, i was awoken to the sound of drilling and i was like "OH CRAP..." And to make things worst, they cut off the power supply from 8.30am till 5.40pm. Well, it was supposed to end at 5pm .... I went out to buy food at 4 and to my HORROR?!?!?!, the electrical box outside the lifts on my floor was in a mess... with all the wires dangling out and all... then i took the lift down.... and to my HORRENDOUS WORST OF HORRORS?!?!?!, the workers were at the table and chairs there eating!!! at 4pm!!! it's way past lunch, not yet even dinner... so what was it? TEA-BREAK?!?! they HAVING TEA-BREAK while i have to suffer all day w/o electricity, NO FAN, NO COM, NO INTERNET, NO NOTHING!!! and as i expected, they didn't finished on time!! Assholes.

AND AND AND!!!!! one more thing! Since yesterday, they have been shouting something like: "Oi....Oi..Oi..Oi..OiOiOiOiOi...Oi...." (I KID U NOT!!!! IT'S WHAT THEY'RE SHOUTING) it's not as noisy as the drilling, but it sure is annoying!! and i'm pretty sure all the neighbours are wondering what THE EFF?!!? ARE THEY SHOUTING ABOUT?!!!!!!!! it sounded something like Bangladeshi, but also some chinese.... (I'm pretty sure the workers are Chinese...)

Argh...... I'm so pissed... Ok, enough of my rant....

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