Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I just found a job, albeit not a very good one... Ok, here's the thing... A few days back, there's an outbreak of swine flu, and as expected, the major hospitals in singapore are going to need A LOT OF extra hands to help cope with the outbreak, particularly with temperature taking and controlling the visitors going in and out of the hospitals. And within minutes of me sending out my resume to MTC and Reachfield, BOTH agencies called me. Of course, i accepted the offer when Reachfield called me first. and later on, when MTC called, the poor lady was so desperate for two more people to fill, that she asked me whether I have any friends to recommend... wtf?!?

I don't consider this a particularly desirable job, for many reasons... the main reason being the health concerns involved and how dangerous it might be if there is any exposure to the virus. but in the current economic outlook, I already told myself to lower my expectations and the money is all that matters to me right now.

Saturday, April 25, 2009


I got upset by some stupid thing today in the afternoon and after i was done feeling sorry for myself, i wrote down my feelings on a piece of paper, folded it and set it on the table.

And then i lied on my bed and thought about all the sad things in my life.

And then i got up. And continued with my life.

And i got a HAIRCUT today!!! can't stand it the heat anymore, so i decided to snip away my hair.... I was gunning for a Majorie Conrad-do...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I'm Going Nuts!

All the drilling and shouting and banging is literally driving me nuts!!!! These past few days, there's been some electrical rewiring works and today, i was awoken to the sound of drilling and i was like "OH CRAP..." And to make things worst, they cut off the power supply from 8.30am till 5.40pm. Well, it was supposed to end at 5pm .... I went out to buy food at 4 and to my HORROR?!?!?!, the electrical box outside the lifts on my floor was in a mess... with all the wires dangling out and all... then i took the lift down.... and to my HORRENDOUS WORST OF HORRORS?!?!?!, the workers were at the table and chairs there eating!!! at 4pm!!! it's way past lunch, not yet even dinner... so what was it? TEA-BREAK?!?! they HAVING TEA-BREAK while i have to suffer all day w/o electricity, NO FAN, NO COM, NO INTERNET, NO NOTHING!!! and as i expected, they didn't finished on time!! Assholes.

AND AND AND!!!!! one more thing! Since yesterday, they have been shouting something like: "Oi....Oi..Oi..Oi..OiOiOiOiOi...Oi...." (I KID U NOT!!!! IT'S WHAT THEY'RE SHOUTING) it's not as noisy as the drilling, but it sure is annoying!! and i'm pretty sure all the neighbours are wondering what THE EFF?!!? ARE THEY SHOUTING ABOUT?!!!!!!!! it sounded something like Bangladeshi, but also some chinese.... (I'm pretty sure the workers are Chinese...)

Argh...... I'm so pissed... Ok, enough of my rant....

Friday, April 17, 2009

Where do i start?

My eyes are freakin' dry from the expired contact lens i wore today (i'm a cheapo i know), i'm dead beat from the 5 hrs i spent at BBDC, and i'm damn pissed at an incident there today, although generally i would say today is a joyous day to celebrate... But where do i start?

OH!! that's right... I passed my Driving Test today!!! yes!!!! a lot less commuting and a lot MORE driving!!!

and boy, was i lucky today. First of all, i got a genial MALAY tester!!!! not those old, grumpy, frumpy, foggy, sour-pussed faced CHINESE testers!!!! thank god... not that i have anything against Chinese people... and i would consider him to be one of the biggest reasons why i could pass on this beautiful day! he was very kind, and not like the other testers, he treated the testee (me in this case) like a normal human being. he gave out some advice along the way, during the test, and i felt that he judged my ability to drive, rather than going by the book strictly, penalising me down to every single nitty-gritty detail. (YES!! i'm referring to the rest of the testers!) In his own words, he said: "You can drive... you can drive very well." I'm not making any of this up!! As glad as i am that I passed, i thought it was a pretty funny to do so. Mainly because I've never striked a kerb before, today i did so, and it cost me 10 points. OUCH. and the only mistakes i made were at the crank course - striking the kerb (10points), requiring add. reversing manoeuvre (2points, but was given free for the first time), and failure to confirm safety (while i was reversing, another 4points). which brings me to a total of 14 points. thankfully the Malay tester was kind enough to see through all these mistakes, and let me still have a shot of passing. (he didn't strike me down just because i striked a kerb.)

but the thing i just can't get over is the fact that I had to spend a full 5 hrs there, from the time to complete my test to getting my application submitted for a new driving license. My tester ended at 11.30am, and there was only this ONE indian lady at the TP counter, who took her own sweet time and looked as if everyone offended her or something or simply because she thinks her job suxxx.... (well...)

AND to top things off with A NICE BIG CHERRY on top of the ice cream, one of the other testee took my paper BY ACCIDENT after the video that all the GRADUATES (as what BBDC would like to call us...) were supposed to watch. And i was like what in the fuck....?!?!!##$ AND I ENDED UP WITH HIS PAPER. and this is big fuckin' shoutout to ONG WEI QUAN!! u fuckin' cockster... ok, i understand that our names sound similar, but i got up as soon as my name was called... but this fuckin' cockster was like a flash, and in a split second, the BBDC lady was like WTF?!?! "i called your name and he took your paper?" and there she was... stunned... and she too stunned to even run after the guy (SHE DIDN'T know who took which paper!)

Anyway, ONG WEI QUAN! if u ever by any accident google your own name and see this post, this is A SHOUTOUT TO YOU THIS FUCKIN' MORON. next time check it's yours before getting anything!

but before anything else, it's time to celebrate~~

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Sweet Must-Have

Now... not that i want to do free promotion for Canon, but look at that!!! Seriously... a digital camera in HOTHOTHOT RED?!?! now, that's a must-have! a die die must-have! How often do we see a commercial camera that comes in red? and at 12.1 MP, that camera can freakin capture every f**kin' pore on my face. Woah! (Haha, although that shouldn't be something to be excited about...) When i first saw it in commercials, i thought to myself that I GOTTA have that! although the first reviews for the camera wasn't that great, being the non-tech freak that I am, the appearance of it is probably more important to me... Hey, it was the HOT-RED color of it that caught my attention here N I saw we have a winner here!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Nerves and Vampires

Alright, so the other day, i was like sitting in front of my computer and typing something. it was like in the late morning i think and i heard this: OK, 谁要做 Vampire? .... 谁要做 Vampire!?!....

And i was like 'Whudd the Blah' is going on? and i looked out the window and there they were.... kids playing catching.... twilight style. -_-' Really now... Is there a necessary for such things?

ANNNNDDD my 2nd driving test is coming up.... Next Friday. 17th, i think? from my last test up til now, i haven't taken any lessons yet. next week, i'm going for three more lessons before taking the test. and i swear to God, the nerves are killing me. K I L L I N ' me. i was lying in bed a few days back, and i thought about the i m p e n d i n g test and dread drew over me. HEY! i love driving man. How can one failed attempt to PLEASE and SATISFY an old foggy in a car PUT ME DOWN? man...

What's Hot Right Now:

Thursday, April 09, 2009

I'm a Reader.

Oooo... I love the smell of new books. Ironically, they smell like old paper, like something ancient, something with an abundance of knowledge to impart. That's the beauty of books. I'm sure i'm not the only one with a fetish for the smell of nice books though. You know who you are... ^.^

(my BRAND NEW copies of New Moon + The Reader!!)

I just picked up two new copies of fresh read for the following weeks to come, given the bad relationship i have with public libraries and my outstanding fines with them. And these two books can't be more worlds apart - New Moon and The Reader by Bernhard Schlink. One of them, i know beyond a doubt, that it'll be a good read, just based how much i liked the film adaptation of it and the other, i am so sure that I'll be cringing at every flip of the page, based on how cheesy Twilight was. Really, how much more different can they be? And i don't really know which to start with. Should I indulge myself in my favourite, The Reader, first or get New Moon, over and done with first? Pardon me, but the only reason i got New Moon was because of all the hype it was getting and of my desire to find out what happens before the movie came out, not that Stephenie Meyer is a terrific author.

I can't stress enough how much I loved the film adaptation of the Reader, with Kate Winslet, David Kross and Ralph Fiennes being so awesome in it. Really, when Ralph Fiennes sent those voice tapes to Kate Winslet's Hanna, that scene was so touching, it moved me.

I haven't read it yet, but I'm sure i'll enjoy it.

Saturday, April 04, 2009


Singapore is experiencing the equivalent of what others would call 'Summer' in the seasonal parts of the world. And everytime, for me, it's a love and hate affair going on, between me and the weather. I love to feel the warmth of the sun in the early morning and late afternoon; i hate the scorching heat in the mid-day. I love to feel the sweat and the intensity of a good run or workout; i hate the constant moist layer of perspiration covering me from head to toe throughout the day. I would love to get a tan, given the abundance of the sunlight nowadays; i would hate to look like a f**king lobster without slathering on some SPF 50.

and i'm having a hard time keeping my face matt, as the heat just keep making my face oilier and more sheen. And now at most, i can only put a small amount of moisturizer on my face, because if i put on too much, i'll break out. Unlike in the past few months, i've no problem putting on a thicker layer of moisturizer cream.

And i'm feeling pretty bored lately. I've been cooped up at home, as i scrapped my knee pretty badly last week. Which i absolutely hate. Scrapped knees always meant: i can't bend my knees, walk with a limp, and trying to avoid getting water onto the wound (which is a near impossibility for showering). and to make things worse, i injuried my left foot (YES, the same leg as my scrapped knee) a few days back. (don't ask me how, i just did)

But thank GOD. my scrapped knee is ALMOST healed now. I've been feeling pretty excited today because i just got a copy of Daniel Merriweather's new album, Love and War. Right now, i'm still listening to it. the first single of this album, Change (feat Wale), was played on 987FM a while back. but then, I still didn't know who this guy was. And a while back, i heard his duet with Adele, Water and A Flame. i thought i was pretty nice, but still i didn't pay much attention to him. AND today, i stumbled across his name while googling, and VOILA! i'm falling in love with his music.

Here's a link to his second album, Love and War, scheduled to be released on April 27, 2009 in the UK. (for preview purposes only. buy it if you like it ^o^) (password: warez)

i pretty like the cover art for Love and War. which makes me all the more want to get the hard copy asap. And who is this Daniel Merriweather, with his funny last name and all, you ask? Well, he's a 26 year old R&B singer/songwriter who best reminds me of a cross between James Morrison and Robin Thicke, both of whom I'm HUGE fans of. The first single off Love and War, Change (ft. Wale), is very James Morrison-hy. Very. It's pretty decent. Probably a good single material. And i like it much. But the REAL to-die-for single is Water and A Flame. Smoky, sexy, jazzy, together with Adele's voice, it's hauntingly sad, that you will love instantly. The best track in the entire album, WHICH by the way, is produced superbly, thanks in part to Mark Ronson, who produced the numerous hits of Amy Winehouse.

(nice tatt there Daniel!)