Friday, March 06, 2009

Next time... watch it.

Man, i simply feel like killing someone right now. Someone in particular. that someone - motorcyclist - who ZOOMED past my car while i switching lane and was on a FREAKIN' TRAFFIC POLICE DRIVING TEST just now. and guess what? yes, i FAILED. surprise surprise. based on my experience in military driving, from the moment that MUTHA-FUCKER sped up right after completing his u-turn and sped past my vehicle, and the tester was like 'woah!', i knew on the spot i failed immediately. Knew it. there's a lot of different way to look at this. before that, here's the facts: i checked the rear view mirror, clear, then i checked my blind spot. and there he was, speeding right past my vehicle. but the problem was i having a tendency to turn as i checked. so in a way, it was my fault. i'll admit it. but then, i'm on a freakin TP test. can't u just let me? is it that hard? can't u see my left signal light? KNN. second thing: when i checked my rear view mirror, it was clear: i.e. to say that MUTHA-FUCKER was from the u-turn and immediately after exiting, he sped up, even though he could jolly well see i wanted to change lane. KNN. Hope u rot in hell.

the frustrating thing was that was the final part of the test. to keep left after the u-turn. that's it. imo, everything i did was perfect until then, and i felt that the tester was going to let me pass (cos he didn't do much clicking on the board --->not too many mistakes) but then, immediately after that MUTHA-FUCKER sped past my car, the tester was like quickly clicking on his electronic board (i swear to god that one incident made him penalise me a lot more than i deserve) and when i got back my scoresheet, MAN, I got 32 freakin' points. 32! i bet almost all of it was checked after that motorcyclist incident.

the main gripe i have about failing is not about having to go for more lessons and a retest, but the money and the fact that the next re-test will be like 6 weeks later. and while it sucks to know other people who passed and u didn't. like that lady i was talking to while in the holding room. she was like " Oh, i don't know lah, that outside road one i srsly don't know..." and i was like thinking "great.... that means she passed." but at least i knew one other guy failed too (cos he left immediately w/o going to the TP counter) but i was one of the first back, some i don't know much about the rest thou. and i guessed that a few of them were on their second tries or more. AND guess what? that makes me feel a lot better!!! AHAHA. i know i'm evil. but whatever.

and the tester said i was "very agressive " when it comes to changing lanes.... hmmm. that's the thing. some instructors like to be more safe, while some like u to take every opportunity u got when it comes to lane-changing. so i feel as if i can never satisfy everyone. whether i take the 'aggressive' route or 'safe' route. not that u don't do safety checks when u go aggressive, of course. u know what i mean.

and i don't know whether i should cover up my tattoo on my right forearm with some concealer or not and take my diamond ear-stud i wore today. i think i should make myself look more goody-two-shoes more? and i kinda came to a conclusion that for my next test, i'm gonna put on a SOUR-PUSS face throughout everything. it kinda makes me channel all my inner rage towards doing better, and i think i'll do better. l o l .. .

arghhh.. another two hundred plus gone. great.

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