Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Music for the Soul

I've always said - if you want to enjoy both visual fulfillment and great music at the same time, watch either Grey's Anatomy or Private Practice, or even better, both. Which, by the way, I do. Talk about emotional overload here. And how glad was I when I heard these two pieces of music on Episode 12 of Season 2 of Private Practice - Homeward Bound. We first hear the first piece of great music when Charlotte was about the pull the plug on her dying father - this one is Don't Give Up by Clare Reynolds.

The second one is at the end of the episode, when Charlotte and Cooper were on the plane, and Charlotte just cuddles in Cooper's arm and weeps. As well as the Addison thingy of course. This one is Devil's Thunder by Rachael Cantu. Enjoy.

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