Monday, March 23, 2009

Dum vita est, spes est.

Alright, i'm just gonna do a short update on my current job-seeking, as of the moment. I was pretty excited today, as shortly after i sent out my resume to two potential employers, i received a phone call from one of them - Recruit Express. Normally, Recruit Express wouldn't be the employer; they're like an agency that helps companies source out potential candidates. But in my case, i wasn't so sure - I was applying to be a Temporary Consultant. Basically, the job scope would be to interview to job-seekers and match them to the clients, in addition to the regular office admin stuff, i suppose. *Wow, sounds like something i'd LURRVE to do* And so in the sweltering heat at 2 plus, all decked in my interview executive wear (which i've decided, would be my best chance to nail this interview and also to cover up my tattoos), minus my ear piercings, I went for the interview at Ngee Ann city. And omgosh, today was my second time there - to Recruit Express - but yet somehow i still manage to get lost there, while going to the offices. I simply couldn't find the right elevator. Oh yeah, in front of the plaza, coincidentally, i saw one of the girls from PJC whom i've had a huge crush on. I still remember her name - first name only though - and she looked chic and all dressed up AND with her boyfriend. a new one though, a different one from when she was in PJC. OK, thing was, i didn't notice her until she was like two metres from me, but on the other hand, she didn't seem to notice me. Oh well.

I would have to say the interview went superbly well. at least IMO. i was nervous and all, not because I naturally will, but coz' i was so intend on saying what I PLANNED. i actually did a script as to what i would say during the interview. Yep, in a way, i was lying. about many things. but i shall not delve into it much. Ok, the thing is, just before this post, i went back to check on the Job post by Recruit Express ( i had no idea why i did though), only this time round i couldn't find it. i clicked on the exact link in the HISTORY tabs, only to find it replaced by another post, by the SAME CONSULTANT. for what reason? i've no idea. what i do know is that normally they do not edit nor delete nor replace their posts i.e. the posts stay there for months. Why i'm so psyched and excited by this is, hopefully, no one is applying for that post anymore (or should i say able to) and at last count, the consultant said only one other person has applied. And hopefully, she was impressed by all my lies that i will be able to get the job. Cheers ~~

1 comment:

aws33 said...

hopefully you get the job, goodluck