Saturday, February 07, 2009

A New Chapter in my Life...

or simply a continuation of the last chapter?

Of course, i refering the days after 9th of Feburary 2009, the day i ORD. i'm still deciding on that really. well, we'll see how it goes then.

really, i don't regret going to Range yesterday. wow, i wouldn't have expected to get marksman in CS at all, or in Range at all. Well, it wasn't really exactly my effort, considering the fact that it CS, and it's a team effort thing. And secondly, owning to the fact that i fail my ATP three times, i I was only in charge of shooting the Fig.11 targets (which was REALLY easy) SO, i have no right to brag on my part. And yeah, the officers were really good i.e. Alvin and Choy. Friday would have been a Good day, in horoscopic terms, if i ever read horoscope books at all. First of all, i was the ORD day of half of 3238, and secondly, i was really lucky in Range that day. My Instinctive action shoot was literally a give away, due to the fact that half of the shots were free shots! and to top things off, cos my detail scored the highest in the day shoot, we were arranged to be the first detail for the night shoot i.e. to say we shot while it was still freakin' bright at a quarter to 7. and it was freakin' SICK. Round 1 was a strike and everyone was like "Wow" and "OMG". i totally cannot believe. My mouth was agag and i didn't miss a single shot throughout my 3 mags. and it turns out our night shoot was better than our day's at 74/75. (yeah, i know, it isn't exactly fair cos it's like having two day shoots, but whateva... ~.~)

the ride back was unbearable. the bus was crawling. literally. even the unimogs we drive can pawn the bus driver hands down.

brought almost all my stuff back last night. wow, can't believe i'm ord~ing soon.

can't stand the new specs. freakin' ego~istic. it's probably maybe cos they don't know the lao jiaos good enough, but whateva, ~"SO WHAT U'RE A SPEC, BIG DEAL" get lost. *_*

i'm totally diggin Darin right now. He's the runner-up for the first season of Sweden Idol and i think he's got a really good voice and good techniques although his songs are mostly pop, dance, and in his latest album, more electro stuff. so i can't exactly say it would draw good reviews from music critics in the likes of Amy Winehouse, Duffy, or Leona Lewis. but he makes pretty good pop-dance albums and as long as it makes you want to get up and dance, i would say it's good enough. his debut album, ' The Anthem' is actually very awesome and i particularly like his infectious dance hit, Desire from his third album. his albums are pretty much the same, other than the fact that his lastest offering, Flashback, his fourth album steers in the direction of electro music.

read a really good book recently. or at least read some parts on it. it's called 'How to stop worrying and start living' by Dale Carnegie and it was first published in 1948. that year, Mr Carnegie was like 59. and i surprised to learn that after all this years, this good is still relevant in today's society. VERY, actually. at first, just by the title, i thought i wouldn't need this book, much more to read it. but when i chose selected chapters to read, i was really blown away. the man has some really good things to yeah! Here's one: Our Life is what our thoughts make it. You are not what you think you are, but what you think, you are. -----> Wow. really leaves me thinking about it over n over again.

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