Monday, February 02, 2009

I want my Blackberry!!

wow... so many things happened today that i don't know where to start from. first i went to West Mall's Hello Shop to do a handphone upgrade. The thing is i DREAD going there. even though i've only been there once. I could totally say that the customer service there isn't exactly A+, or even a E, which is equivalent to a pass in JC terms.

that is the exact attitude i think of when i look at their demeanour and character. anyways, the guy who served me, Daniel L, first told me that the price was $628 but later apologised and claimed that i needed to pay $100 more as i was doing a 12 mths upgrade (well, that i know, as i did my homework but i had thought that $628 was inclusive of the $100) he said that there's a difference between the online and off-the-shop prices and showed me a pamplet showing the discrepancies. Well, i got a little suspicious and at the same time turned off by the idea of forking $100 more than i expected, i decided not to go ahead with the contract.

Went back home, made a few checks online, made a few phone calls, and found out from a telephone service officer that $728 was the RRP for the blackberry bold in my case (turns out Mr L wasn't up to anything after all) but i might be able to get my phone at a cheaper price online!! BUT... the bummer was that I wasn't able to do a online purchase just now as the void contract that i signed might take a few days to process!!! Major Bummer!!! that foils my plan!!! i will not get the Youth Plan!!! Miss Tyrell (the customer service officer) said she'll try to get it done within 3-5 working days.. BUMMER!!

had driving in the afternoon after that and i saw Arshad! wow. was listening to Krystal Meyers (wow, lurving her right now) and rockin myself when someone tapped me on the shoulders. got the biggest shock of my life. same old guy, man. just thought he looked weird in the short buzz and black frames. totally different. man, he's still the same. with his funny card purse for a wallet. ^.^ i wanted to ask him whether he'd want to hang out sometimes but strangely though, i never got to it. it was weird though, considering that we haven't seen each other for like two years.

and then, my aunt and my cousin (together with his wife) came to visit us. Wow, it sure doesn't feel like CNY to me, though. the thing is this cousin of mine is like so much more older than me, that we really don't have any thing common to talk about. So i was like "HI!!!....................." and i went back upstairs to continue with Gossip Girl. well, i don't mean to be rude, and i'm not rude.... but..... hmm.... these kinds of CNY visits don't really mean anything to me.

Wow, i'm like damn tired today man. Peace.

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