Saturday, June 06, 2009


Been busy the last couple of days. went to have my Pre-U medical check-up. didn't go to the Health centre as they suggested, mainly coz i didn't want to see my old colleagues there. urgh... instead i went to my nearby polyclinic and man, is it eXXX!!!the total thing costs slightly more than 50bucks, inclusive of X-ray ($16), urine test ($5), blood pressure, height and weight, some tummy check... kinda dumb. but having worked at the Health centre, i kinda knew what to expect... the Health centre charges cheaper ($30 inclusive of X-ray) but i still wouldn't go there. Besides its soooo far....

And i signed a new job offer yest, with Tempserv Pte Ltd, and MAN, was it - s M A L L - ! N i mean it~~ their main (prob only ) office is like a 10 × 3m rectangular room with several cubicles, a very noisy air-con (or cooling fan? i'm not sure) right at the entrance, ONLY ONE interview room and that's it. wow. but what am i to be picky about. i'm juz glad i can still nab jobs in times like this... i'm feeling the heat man... after the last job, i'm definitely more cautious this time around...

I've been viewing lots of doggie/puppies videos lately, mainly coz i'm thinking of getting one. I originally wanted a Golden Lab pup but they not allowed in HBD flats and i didn't want to go around the law (thou i know its v.common). and besides i think that they're too big for my house by the time they're full grown. so i turned my attention to another C U T E breed - japanese spitz. IMO, the cutest breed allowed in HDB - both pup and adult. as a pup, they resemble polar cubs and when they're full grown, they look like snow-white foxes~~! anyway, i juz saw this vid of two shih tzu pups~~ cute~!

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