Friday, June 12, 2009

sleepy eyes....

  • blasting my fan now at full speed at less than a metre away... Temperatures expected to hit 35°C in the following weeks... OH LORD HELP Us ALL...
  • fit--press--flick--pour--throw. Rinse & Repeat...
  • can't take it any more. my stupid laptop sux...
  • can't take it any more!! my water heater sucks. goes from very cold to very HOT within a fraction of a turn. (THX DAD FOR BEING A MIsER - "CHEAPCHEAPCHEAP")
  • soooo tired... running out of work to do at shimadzu... fake it till i drop it!!!
  • Apple recently relaunched it MacBook series. Old 13" MacBook Unibody now part of the Macbook pro family... almost all of the Macbooks receive a spec upgrade with a lower price point. just in time...

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