Friday, October 10, 2008

Typical NSF week of Jakub O

  • On cloud nine today. Can't believe i did SOC in 10.00min. H-wow. A pass next? Hope so.

  • that's it. i've decided. i'm getting a tattoo after i ORD. ~.~ why the sudden impulse? i was inspired by Angelina Jolie, honestly. here's a quote from her: "Usually all my tattoos came at good times. A tattoo is something permanent when you've made a self-discovery, or something you've come to a conclusion about."
    ANGELINA JOLIE, USA Today interview, July 17, 2003

    And i've already got one in mind. A single wing. Most probably on the back of my left shoulder. Or maybe i'll have some Kanji words, or Arabic, Latin phrases. ^.^
  • CSM's offically gone. One less pain in the ass. Many more to go. Seriously. That's me for you.
  • God. 扁扁 is such a b**ch. What's wrong with wearing sandals to dinner? Hello?! those are God-damn SAF sandals, b**ch.
  • And oh yeah. THX so much TCC2. Now we've got to support exercises by TCC2. i.e. slogging it out outfield when we could have been slacking in bunk.
  • Xrist. Did EAS on Monday till 1 or 2 am. sux. SSD suxxxxxxx.

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