Monday, January 10, 2011


The people who are trying to make the world worse are not taking a day off. How can I? – Bob Marley

It’s a brand new year and tomorrow is the start of the new semester. I’m kind of looking forward to it actually. The modules I’m taking this semester seems kind of interesting; well, I promised myself I’ll try not to pick modules based on their apparent difficulty level, but rather my interest in them. I love new beginnings. Because they mean a fresh start for me. Time to score that A star I never had. Time to put in more effort in my work. Time to pull up my cap. And also, to keep to my New Year resolutions. I know I know, no one sticks to them. But I told myself I’m going to set realistic goals this year. Here they are:

1) Attend each and every Lecture and Tutorial.

2) Put more thought into what I’m going to say, and not just shoot off the tip.

3) Zero Facebook time and spend less time in front of the computer.

4) Plan for an overseas trip during the term break.

5) And lastly, be less uptight and just have fun.


Now playing: Avril Lavigne – What the Hell

The past week has been a wreck for me. I said some things I probably shouldn’t have said to my mom about a week ago. My relationship with her is really at its worst ever. And probably the worst for any form of relationships ever. I do realise that it’s hard for her, and after saying those stuff, I kind of regretted it. I know I’m a wretched mess deep inside me. I’m already 22 (I think?) and yet, I still can’t keep my sh** together. And then some days ago, I was rearranging some of my stuff and I stumbled across my Santy’s letter and I teared up a little. And it got me thinking about the simpler times back then. A long while back, that is. And as far as modules go this semester, it’s not that bad. It’s just that I’m hoping to pass my RT by the end of Phase I, which gives me roughly more than a week for me to do so. I’ve already jam packed my entire next week with daily workouts. And I kind of noticed this guy who keeps noticing me for the past two RTs. Basically for me, my mentality when I step into Maju is to stay focused – that is to pass my RT by the end of phase I. hence I try to look as stoned as possible, avoid the gaze of anyone and not attracting any attention. Get done with it N get out of there. Eazy Peazy. But this guy and his friend just keeps lingering nearby no matter where I go. I don’t know whether it’s just me, or it’s just a coincidence that he happens to be near me everytime, or he thinks I’m weird, which is why he finds me fascinating, or he’s attracted to me. He’s decent enough, but I kind of dismissed him a Beng by the end of the first RT. BUT he had a really nice voice when he became the detail IC at the second RT. I still don't know if I should interact with him? Or should I just remain focused on what’s more important?