Friday, May 01, 2009

Major Improvement!

This post title is so gonna sound like high school, like when your teacher commends you for making improvements in your studies, but, whatever. Ok, this past few days have been major, man. A lot of things have been going down and at the end of it all is GOOD NEws for me!

so, a couple of days back, i found a job as a thermo-scanner at the National University Hospital. so.... it wasn't exactly the best job in the world, but i figured i needed the cash pretty badly... And it wasn't until i started work the very next day, that i realized how sucky the job really was. Ok, it's a combination of a being a sale-person (having to stand for hours), a nurse (having to take temperatures of every visitor) and a pest controller (having to don face-masks and PPE and gloves) all rolled into one. That's how bad it was. And for some crazy reason, i chose not to take Lunch that day... I was THIs close to being sick at the end of the day.

and the following day, when i woke up, i received a phone call from a recruit express consultant i met way back in Feb (the very first one actually, and whom i have no recollection whatsoever...) that I'm shortlisted for a position in NUs' Health Centre. she asked me whether i could make it for an interview with the client that afternoon and THAT wAs IT - right there and then, i had to choose between going for my job in the afternoon or skipping it for the interview... Of course, I chose the latter and i thought i had made the wrong decision when i didn't received any phone call from the consultant for a long time. AND at 5 plus, while i was watching my daily dosage of Ellen's, another consultant named Jazel (pronounced Jay-zel, as in Hazel, Jazel... don't be ashamed if u thought it's pronounced Giselle... I did) called me and informed me that because the client couldn't do the interview, she's taking over the interviewing. and couple of moments later, i was told that i had been offered the job. O~M~G. F~I~N~A~L~L~Y... And i say this in all thankfulness, to Cheryl (THANK YOU for remember that interview w~a~y b~a~c~k), to Jazel Leng (GREAT NAME~~)

and to my Apple MacBook, I'm coming to get you!